Parrot Crossbill
Hanger 200 zł
Paperweight 250 zł
It is similar to the spruce crossbill, but with a stronger, stocky body, thicker neck, a large head with a flat forehead and a more powerful crossed beak. It is also larger than it. Males brick-red, have a more amaranth hue compared to its relative, females yellow-green, with dark wings in both sexes. The strong design of its beak, which is high at the base and has a bulging mandible, allows it to pluck seeds (by undermining the scales) from hard pine cones, something the spruce crossbill cannot do. The two related species can be distinguished by the shape of the head and the height of the beak, although this is quite difficult in the field.
The pine crossbill used to nest in Poland until the 1960s. Since then, there are no observations indicating breeding of this species in the country, so it gets the category of regionally extinct (RE).